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These Three Facts Show Just How Dangerous Semi-Trucks are when Involved in Truck Accidents with Other Vehicles


Most Ventura drivers are likely aware of the dangers of driving near or around semi-trucks. Indeed, semi-trucks, also called 18-wheeler trucks or commercial trucks, are not only extremely heavy and large, even when they are not loaded with cargo, but have low visibility, often have tired and fatigued drivers, and have long stopping distances, making them especially dangerous on the road. But many Ventura drivers may wonder just how dangerous semi-trucks really are, and if drivers of other vehicles are really at more of a risk to life and limb than semi-truck drivers when a semi-truck accident occurs. To help Ventura drivers better understand just what they are up against when they share Ventura roads with 18-wheelers, we provide three important truck safety facts here.

These Three Facts May Surprise You – Or at Least Make You Think Twice when Driving on the Road with Semi-Trucks

Three key facts show just how dangerous semi-trucks are when they are out on the road with other motor vehicles, and they may surprise you. First of all, it is clear that thousands of people are involved in truck accidents every year. In fact, a total of 4,965 people were killed in truck accidents in 2020 alone. Notably, 13% of these truck accident victims included pedestrians, bicyclists, and other people not occupying a motor vehicle at the time of the accident. Secondly, when a truck accident does happen, it is more likely that someone will get killed. Of the 415,000 truck accidents that were reported to police in the year 2020, 4,444 truck crashes ended in fatalities and 101,000 resulted in injuries. Finally, it is also clear that when truck accidents do happen, the occupants of other vehicles and other non-truck drivers are more likely to be injured or killed. Indeed, of the 4,444 fatal truck accidents that occurred in 2020, 71%, or 3,512, involved the death of a person that was in another vehicle (other than the semi-truck) and 13%, or 622, involved the death of a person who was not occupying a vehicle (e.g. pedestrians, bicyclists, etc.). On the other hand, 17%, or 831 of truck accident fatalities involved an occupant of a large truck.

Legal Help for Truck Accident Victims in Ventura

In Ventura, victims of semi-truck accidents may be entitled to compensation for their damages and losses under California personal injury laws. Accordingly, if you were injured in a semi-truck accident in Ventura and you need legal help, contact the experienced Ventura truck  accident lawyers at Zavala Law, PC. The experienced Ventura truck accident lawyers at Zavala Law, PC help Ventura truck accident victims get justice for their injuries and losses caused by negligent truck drivers. Contact Zavala Law, PC to speak to a lawyer about your case now.



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