Pedestrian Accidents in Ventura – What You Need to Know about 4 Common Risk Factors for Pedestrian Accidents

There is no doubt that the issue of pedestrian-related accidents is a trending news topic in Ventura and throughout the United States. Recently, in California and in other states around the country, a number of pedestrian deaths and pedestrian accidents have been reported, and those who travel on foot should be aware as the temperatures warm that the streets and sidewalks of Ventura may not be the safest places to walk. Some pedestrians in Ventura are aware that there are many hazards on the road that may present a major risk for those who choose to get from Point A to Point B on foot. But what are the top risk factors for pedestrians when it comes to dangerous and even fatal accidents? To help Ventura pedestrians better understand what dangers contribute to pedestrian injuries and deaths, we share the top 4 pedestrian accident risk factors, according to the United States Center for Disease Control (CDC).
Top Pedestrian Accident Risk Factor #1: Higher Speed-Traveling Vehicles
According to the CDC, one of the top risk factors for pedestrian injuries and deaths in the United States is the rate of speed of the vehicle that is involved in the pedestrian accident. The CDC notes that “[h]igher vehicle speeds increase both the likelihood of a pedestrian being struck by a car and the injury severity.”
Top Pedestrian Accident Risk Factor #2: Location of the Pedestrian-Involved Accident
It is probably not too surprising that CDC data shows that a majority of pedestrian deaths occur on urban roads. According to the CDC’s data, 60% of pedestrian deaths occurred on “high-capacity” urban roads in the year 2020. The CDC also found that the riskiest roads for pedestrians to travel are those that have posted speed limits of 45-55 miles per hour.
Top Pedestrian Accident Risk Factor #3: Type and Size of the Vehicle Involved in the Accident
In addition, the size and type of vehicle make a difference when it comes to the chance of severe injury in a pedestrian-involved car accident. According to the CDC, Sport Utility Vehicles (SUVs) can cause greater harm to pedestrians than other, smaller vehicles, due to their weight and larger body size.
Top Pedestrian Accident Risk Factor #4: Alcohol and Pedestrian Accidents
All Ventura drivers should already be aware that alcohol and driving do not mix. This is very true when it comes to pedestrian accidents. According to the CDC, in 2021, alcohol was a factor in nearly half (49%) of car accidents that resulted in a pedestrian death.
Legal Help for Injured Pedestrians in Ventura
If you were injured in a pedestrian accident in Ventura, do not hesitate to learn about your rights and options under California personal injury laws. The experienced Ventura pedestrian accident lawyers at Zavala Law, PC offer a free and confidential consultation to learn about your case and to see if they can help. Contact the experienced Ventura pedestrian accident lawyers at Zavala Law, PC today and learn about your rights and options for free.