3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Hesitate to Speak with a Ventura Car Accident Lawyer after You’re Injured Due to Another Driver’s Negligence

Speaking with a Ventura car accident lawyer after being involved in a traumatic car accident can, unfortunately, fall to the wayside. On top of healing from injuries sustained in the accident, replacing and/or repairing your damaged vehicle, attempting to return to work, taking care of family matters, and simply integrating back into regular life after a terrible car accident, the thought of consulting with a lawyer and initiating a court case may seem like an uphill battle. However, as challenging as it may seem, speaking with an experienced Ventura car accident lawyer after being injured in a serious car accident in Ventura is an important step in obtaining justice under California state laws. Accordingly, here are three reasons why a Ventura car accident victim should not hesitate to speak with an experienced Ventura car accident lawyer as soon as possible after a car accident occurs.
#1. Evidence and Witnesses Dry Up
The longer a person who is involved in a car accident due to another party’s negligence waits to bring a personal injury case for compensation, the higher the chances that helpful and supportive evidence and witnesses dry up or vanish. Speaking with a lawyer as soon as possible after a negligent car accident occurs can help increase a Ventura car accident victim’s chances of preserving important evidence to help prove their case. An experienced Ventura car accident lawyer can help a car accident victim understand the best steps to take in their case, and how to preserve and obtain helpful evidence and witnesses, even before they file.
#2. The Statute of Limitations is Only 2 Years
Many Ventura motorists may be surprised to learn that the typical time limit for a person injured in a car accident due to another party’s negligence is quite short under California laws. Under the California Code of Civil Procedure, “…An action for assault, battery, or injury to, or for the death of, an individual caused by the wrongful act or neglect of another” must typically be brought within two years. Failure to bring a case within the statute of limitations may bar a person from pursuing their claim forever.
#3. Insurance Companies May Keep Calling
It is no surprise that the insurance company that insured the negligent driver wants to resolve the Ventura car accident claim as soon as possible, in order to take advantage of the situation. Remember, their whole job is to pay as little as possible for your injuries. A person involved in a car accident in Ventura may be faced with settlement offers from insurance companies shortly after being involved in a car accident. An experienced Ventura car accident lawyer can help a car accident victim better understand the value of their claim so they do not settle for less than they are entitled under California laws.
Justice for Car Accident Victims in Ventura
If you were injured in a car accident in Ventura, contact the experienced Ventura car accident lawyers at Zavala Law. The experienced Ventura car accident lawyers at Zavala Law offer free and confidential consultations to learn about your case and to see if they can help fight for you. Contact Zavala Law to speak to an experienced Ventura car accident lawyer about your case today.